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Every Business Should Understand The Benefits Of Votiko’s Live Chat Support

Every Business Should Understand The Benefits Of Votiko’s Live Chat Support

Lead generation, conversion, and retention may all be accelerated using live chat. Learn how live chat with an AI chatbot may help you provide excellent customer service.

What are the advantages of live chats for businesses? Because it is quick, simple, and effective.

But wait, there’s more! When AI Chatbots are unable to resolve difficulties, live chats take over.

Though AI Chatbot is a fantastic tool for managing clients, it is not without flaws.

When it comes to general questions and FAQs, AI Chatbots come into play, but when the issue becomes more complicated, live chats come into play.

The advantages of live chat are numerous. It streamlines client communication and improves the overall customer support experience by bringing a personal touch to the dialogue.

Furthermore, you gain a deeper understanding of your clients. That will undoubtedly have a significant impact on your sales.

According to Zoho, live chats are used by 67 percent of B2C organisations and 66 percent of B2B businesses for customer support. You can utilise live chat on websites or apps like WhatsApp for Business, Facebook Messenger, and others to provide customers with live help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The live chat craze isn’t going away anytime soon. As a result, the sooner we discover its benefits, the better.

Let’s look at the top ten advantages of live chat.

Increase your Customer Support Team’s Productivity

It’s not easy to manage customers. When you’re multitasking, you’re more likely to make mistakes. The reason for this is that humans become confused when they are dealing with too many consumers at once.

Adding live chats to your website can help you avoid managing multiple consumers at once. While the support team is dealing with a customer, live chat can keep the rest of the team entertained.

Up to 80% of customer concerns can be resolved with live chats and AI Chatbots. They are the greatest alternative for repetitive questions or FAQs.


Enhances the credibility of your brand

Live chats increase openness, allowing you to earn your visitors’ trust.

Let’s talk about cart abandonment for a moment…

Consumers may, consciously or inadvertently, leave things in their shopping carts.

It may appear to them that there is a complicated checkout process or that delivery fees are excessive, or they may be eager to investigate further.

As a result, the problem of cart abandonment has become more prevalent. It’s one of the most pressing issues confronting today’s online enterprises. Due to unanticipated expenses or onerous processes, customers depart before completing their transaction.

So, how might live chats aid in this situation?

You can eliminate the concerns by incorporating live chats into your website. Consumers can readily inquire about the processes and associated charges that occur, and their questions will be promptly answered.

As a result, live conversations on websites make your brand more trustworthy, and transparency strengthens trust.

Visitors can ask for help right away, which helps to avoid cart abandonment to a large extent.

Live chat services and even WhatsApp for business can help new enterprises establish their brand image.

As a result, integrating live chat to websites gives visitors the impression of dealing with salespeople in a physical store. Consumers receive consistent guidance, which makes it easier to convert visitors to customers.


Increases conversions and sales

Businesses who employ live chats have seen a 20 percent increase in conversions, according to the American Marketing Association.

Furthermore, according to eMarketer, firms that use live chats enjoy a 35 percent increase in sales.

While visiting your brand’s website, potential customers may have a few queries regarding your service or product. You can respond quickly with a live chat service while your visitors are still browsing your website.

Additionally, live chats allow you to better connect with customers and learn their wants and expectations from the company.

Customers can make speedy sales decisions if they are engaged and guided at the correct time. You can provide excellent customer support to your visitors by using live chats. As a result, client conversion rates and retention rates will both be improved.


Live Chat Enhances the User Experience on the Website

According to live chat data, 79 percent of customers prefer live chats because they obtain immediate responses.

Customers benefit from live chat on websites since they may obtain rapid responses to their questions while they’re still browsing.

Customers are more likely to abandon their purchase plans if they have to wait a lengthy time for responses to their inquiries. Live chat eliminates the need to take a break from your browsing to send an email to the customer service personnel.

According to statistics, 73 percent of customers are happy with their live chat encounters. Prospects are 4.6 times more likely to convert into customers while using live chat.

Customers respond positively to live chat on websites while they are looking for items or services. Customers are at ease because help is easily available.

You can quickly guide consumers, assist them in navigating, and find out what they’re looking for via live chats!


Removes the Language Barrier

This incredible primary benefit of using a live chat service is available to organisations all over the world. The majority of live chat software is multilingual. The live chat service is available to potential consumers from all over the world. It translates languages in real time, back and forth, to make communication easier.

Consider an AI chatbot that communicates in your native tongue. Isn’t that going to be incredible?

If you have an AI chatbot that speaks 40+ languages, your customer communications will undoubtedly improve.

You can boost your global exposure as well as your lead conversion rate with such a significant feature.

Speaking in the customer’s native tongue adds a personal touch and gives potential customers an immediate sense of importance. You’ll be able to connect well with prospects on your first effort, which is a huge plus in terms of growing your sales.

With the Votiko platform, you can make it easier for your agents to communicate in many languages. From the same dashboard, your agents will be able to converse in multiple languages.

With the numerous advantages that live chat offers, it is fair to say that it has become a crucial component of international companies’ success.


It Saves Time to Use Live Chat

The key to successfully growing a business is to maximise production in less time. Consumers who are pressed for time want prompt responses in order to save time and assimilate information more quickly. Here, live chat is a lifesaver.

Live chat can assist in reducing response time. Analyze the response time spent on addressing customer complaints by comparing the time spent before and after live chat. You’ll be astonished at how much time live chat saves you when it comes to responding to and resolving client issues.

According to Zopim’s survey of 85K interactions, an agent spends less than 23 seconds on average responding to consumer questions. The maximum time for resolving requests is 42 seconds.

When you compare the time it takes to respond to an email with the time it takes to respond to a live chat, you’ll notice how much time it saves you and your consumers.

Live Chat Gives You a Competitive Advantage

Live chat is becoming increasingly popular. We don’t recall any predictions of its demise. The majority of clients choose to use a live chat service to handle their issues. The final line is that live chat has a reputation for engaging clients quickly. As a result, companies who use it get an advantage over their competitors.

According to a survey, barely 9 percent to 14 percent of firm websites have live chat capabilities available. As a result, it’s possible that your competitors are either unaware of the benefits of live chat or haven’t yet realised it.

In today’s competitive economy, poor service has no place. When something appears to be excessively complicated, customers are quick to switch. Live chats ensure that customers have the best possible experience.

Customers’ perceptions of your brand are a key competitive advantage, and live chat allows you to provide excellent customer service. To provide clients with a positive experience, you can tailor your responses, address issues promptly, save time, and so on.

Live chat is undeniably a valuable tool for today’s organisations. It is quite beneficial and useful. As a result, firms must give it a try.


It Increases Customer Loyalty

Customers that are loyal to a company are a valuable asset.

Customers decide to return to a brand once they have a taste of excellence and an overall positive experience. Live chats can assist you in establishing a devoted consumer base.

It’s no surprise that live chats remove various barriers associated with traditional sales channels, resulting in high levels of customer satisfaction.

Queries are answered faster with live chats, assistance is easily available, transparency is maintained, resulting in customer trust, and so on. Overall, live chats provide visitors with a seamless experience.

Customers benefit from a flexible and quick experience when you use live chat for sales, customer support, or both. As a result, customers are encouraged to come back!


Live chats assist in highlighting critical customer issues.

Isn’t gathering information a difficult task? It’s a little easier with live chat.

This is one of the most important advantages of live chat. The chat logs might help you identify the most common problems that clients have. Identifying recurring challenges with the support service might lead to the development of innovative solutions to these concerns.

Live chats can supply you with critical information, as data is the most important and desirable item in today’s technologically evolved day. You can collect information such as a customer’s name, address, email, and even preferences.

The information gathered can be used to create client profiles, after which you can provide them with unique customised care. Knowing a customer’s email address, for example, can help you send them unique offers, and knowing their location can assist you determine if goods are transported to a specific area.

Not only that, but you may also link your live chat data to another business application. You can extract key information and give it to your sales staff to assist them in following up on the lead.

In summary, live chats may help you take your business to the next level!


Lower your marketing costs and increase your return on investment

If you believe you have squandered money on business promotion and sales with little to no return, you should seriously explore the advantages of live chat. Building, maintaining, and growing a live chat service is less expensive than any other communication channel.

Customers have primarily communicated with you via email and phone calls. However, to maintain the configuration, time and resources are required. Lines that are backed up, long wait times, and other issues contribute to your dissatisfaction.

Live chat software, on the other hand, is relatively simple and inexpensive to set up and maintain. You gain a slew of additional benefits while avoiding the aggravation.

Live chat allows you to handle several inquiries at once, saving time, labour, and, of course, money. In conclusion, live chat has a higher return on investment. It’s cost-effective, and you get more bang for your buck.

Why not make the most of this huge and extremely crucial communication channel now that customers are becoming more and more comfortable with live chats?!


The Takeaway

We’re confident that learning about the advantages of live chat has piqued your interest. Now, if you’re searching for a great conversational AI platform to reach out to customers and engage them more effectively, we recommend Votiko.

You can increase revenue, increase customer engagement, and provide immediate customer service with our AI chatbot and conversational systems.

All you have to do now is take a step towards Votiko to give the finest possible experience for your clients!

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