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Outsourcing email management to Votiko has time-saving benefits

Outsourcing email management to Votiko has time-saving benefits

You don’t have time to think about email management, yet it’s still an important part of your company’s operations. You never know when someone will be duped by a spam message, and you can’t be looking over each employee’s shoulder to make sure they don’t. What should a harried business owner do? How can you acquire good email management without devoting too much of your time and effort?

Outsourcing the duty to a managed IT provider, like with many other technology pain points for SMBs, is the solution. Managed IT is ideal for companies that would rather focus on their operations than on IT management. We’ll go over three ways that email management can help your company stay on track and ahead of the competition.


Spam filtering improves security.

Spam is the preferred vehicle for significant online threats, such as phishing and ransomware schemes, since it allows hackers to distribute their work in a way that allows them to target as many individuals as possible without putting in a lot of individual effort. Users may download attachments or click on links to dangerous websites by inadvertently. Spam blocking solutions at the enterprise level allow your company to keep threatening or questionable communications out of your inbox indefinitely, lowering the risk of finding such messages in your email system.


Hosting and Administration

You’ll have less time to accomplish your actual work if you’re the one who has to continually add new users or check to see if your email servers are running properly. Of course, nothing is more crucial than ensuring that activities go according to plan. Votiko Solutions can handle your technology and free up a lot of time for you to focus on growing your business. So you don’t have to, we can ensure maximum uptime and optimal mail flow.


Messages should be archived for future viewing.

Email archiving is an excellent approach to ensure that your company keeps track of all incoming and outgoing mails. This allows you to keep better track of who distributes information with whom and, more crucially, why information is shared with people outside your company. Furthermore, if an employee just left your company for reasons you didn’t know about, you might find some signs in your email system that could help enhance retention and minimise future turnover.

Managing email efficiently is a wonderful place to start if you want your business to grow. You may concentrate on your business while professionals like those at Votiko Solutions worry about maintaining mail flow running smoothly. Contact us at (630) 923-9375 for more information about email management.

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