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4 Helpful email support tips for enhancing Customer Service games.

4 Helpful email support tips for enhancing Customer Service games.

E-mail conversations continue to be relevant, despite new technologies. How can representatives of customer service use them effectively?

Haircut. Email. Customer Service.

A friend of mine went for a haircut some time ago.

When her hair was completely dried and she got home, she knew her haircut was terribly botched.

She emailed her hair salon in hopes of resolving the matter. Her situation was described, and the tragic conclusion was added to the photos.

She gave a less-than-pleasant response. The hair designer refused to recognise anything wrong, became defensive and blamed my buddy for not being clear about what she desired during her visit.

This caused my friend to leave the salon with a negative review, never returning and remembering the misery for years afterwards.

This is an example of terrible email customer service.

Ok. #Relatable. However, are people still using email?

Yes, they do! Yes, they do! Email is always available.

It has long been regarded as a reliable source of information. My middle school teacher has an account and my grandfather has an account.

It continues to be the leading communication medium today.

In the United States, there are more than 250 million email users. Statistical forecasts promise to increase in the years ahead.

It is not surprising that emails are still used as a communication tool by so many users, even with the other available channels in customer care.

“When looking at the entry of emails into a company, analysts indicate over 90% of contact centers provide emails. The poll also revealed that over 70% of customers prefer email to communicate with enterprises, leaving every other channel behind.”

What is so popular about email?

This channel is a good approach for consumers to communicate with businesses since there are various reasons.

  • It allows you to attach things — like my buddy who utilised emails in the narrative above, so she could provide graphics for her awful life.
  • It is easily accessible – everyone can create and send an email anywhere. And this is free! And it is free!
  • Confident TV – like the confidence of an elderly guy, confidence in e-mail is so much easier than on Snapchat,.
  • It allows you to write and write and write thorough information about the issue. If you go beyond 140 characters, you won’t be cut off…
  • cost-effective — didn’t we say it was free?
  • It allows for customer inspections, and every now and then, people are given five minutes to waste and replenish them.
  • Provides transaction documentation -“You stated that there is evidence!”
  • It adds a professional touch – imagine a business without email…
  • He claimed to be in good health.

Do you understand? Got it. Got it. E-mail is still used by people. What, then?

Ah, I am happy you asked. I am happy you asked. E-mail communication can be a good tool for your games if you provide good customer service. If not, your company could injure you.

It’s like this here.

It’s 10 percent more likely when we read something that we recall.

Because email generates a lasting communication record if a client has a way to return to the email and “relive” the misery.

And she tells her friends about it. And share it.

After years, she’ll still have the wrong customer service email you sent after her hair has long gone out of the terrible haircut.

The proverb goes: People won’t remember your words, but they will remember how they felt.

Both will be done with a terrible customer service email. Now your clients can read your email again and feel awful again.

When the story was told to me by a friend, I felt the same way.

On the other hand, if you do it correctly, your consumers will remember and share the wonderful experience with others.

Americans talk about a bad service experience with an average of 15 people, compared to the 11 individuals they tell about a good encounter.

I was one of the eleven when Kate told me her late cat’s story on Facebook:

“I had a diabetic cancer cat two years ago. He lived with his health problems for three years and he needed incredibly costly medicine, food and clearly significant veterinarian expenses. After getting a big bag of highly expensive food from Amazon, he passed away a few days ago. I wanted to check if an unopened bag of specialty food could be returned. On the same day, I received an email – “We’re so sorry for your loss. Please donate the food to your local animal shelter. Your account has been credited with $ xx.xx. The credit on your account may take 3-5 business days.”

So much that we had to explain, did not follow up during complaints, just did the right thing and advised that we give to someone else in need – for them. You want to do right by your consumers with a lasting record of the customer service experience. You want your client to have a nice business experience. ”

Statistically, 51% of clients will never again do business with a company if their experience is poor.

Therefore, it is crucial to keep your customers trustworthy.

Oh. So, with our email support, we can do a better job, but how?

Awesome! Now that we’ve established what email conversations are, we can discuss how to rock them.

We discussed five crucial customer service elements in one of our earlier blog posts to ensure client satisfaction:


Whatever communication methods you use to communicate with your customers, this is crucial to remember.

We spoke about strategies to generally improve your customer service.

Although several of these approaches may also apply to email discussions, there are special elements of email communication.

Below are four terrific techniques for ensuring that you fulfil the aforementioned good customer service standards.




Let’s dig in. Let’s just dig in.

1. Clarity. Tell me what? 

The first critical component of a positive customer experience is effective communication.

As you do not communicate face to face or on the phone, what your customer means or wants to be understood may be easily understood.

The objective is to be explicit in a conversation between both sides. However, as a customer service representative, you have a greater responsibility to understand the problem.

Make sure you know exactly what the problem is and what the client wants to solve it.

Here are a couple of tips for clarification:

  • Ask questions about the follow-up. Confirm and clarify everything not crystal obvious 100 percent.
  • Make sure you use the correct grammar, orthography and punctuation. Nothing is worse than a poorly written email. Test your talents with our spelling, grammar and tagging challenges.
  • Use structure and formatting to clarify
  • Review all the links in the email to ensure their functionality.
  • Use plain language
  • Review and correction

It’s crucial to have clear communication! (in both your customer service and all other connections).

2. Reaction rate. I want it now!

The accessibility component of the customer’s experience is supported by speedy responses.

Even if the consumer chooses an email from the media and realises that the situation is not immediately gratifying, he or she will nonetheless desire a reply immediately.

Research suggests that 41% of consumers expect a six-hour email response. In actual fact, only 36 percent of businesses react that fast… And 14% never answer at all.

So, what is one strategy for getting ahead of the competition? Answer fast. Answer fast.

Sara McCord, an online editor at Muse, shares excellent ideas on how to respond quickly to emails in any circumstances.

The tips are about management, honesty and the delegation of expectations.

3. Empathy and personalization. Sometimes we all have to have a friend.

As every expert in customer service will tell you, personalisation is essential for customer service.

The concept of customer focus, a fundamental aspect of an exceptional client’s experience, is supported by personalization and empathy.

We explored ways to make personalisation easier in your live chat chats in one of our recent blog pieces.

It is equally vital to implement it in your email communication.

Aberdeen says tailored emails enhance click rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%.

According to the publication The Campaign Monitor, 26 percent of emails with custom subject lines are opened. And Experian says tailored emails provide transaction rates 6 times higher.

As the cat owner’s anecdote at the start of the article shows, the communication’s empathy and understanding make the encounter enjoyable and memorable enough to share.

There are other ways to customise your emails, including:

  • Use of personal information for customers
  • Happy Wednesday! It starts with a positive note to set the tone. Or the best thing for you in the morning!
  • Using the particulars and situation of the consumer
  • Empathy for the client
  • Use of mood and light
  • Visuals are used

Because emails are frequently written using a template or by cutting and pasting already prepared content, customization can be lost.

Make sure that you add your emails with that personal touch.

And sign up at the bottom of the email with your name. Have fun while you’re keeping things professional. Nobody recalls “representative customer service.” Someone will remember “Tim Smith, king of customer service to customers.”

Or something of this kind.

4. Problem solving. So we’re here, right?

Maybe that’s the most significant one.

This is why your customer contacts the customer service – in order to resolve a problem.

The settlement of the problem relates both to technical competency and to the variety of customer service assessment services.

There are several processes, from needing to know the history of the customer to needing a supervisor to be able to resolve the situation effectively.

Neil Kokemuller, a customer service guru, outlines four ways to effectively resolve problems:

  • In our email case, we read the survey very carefully.
  • Recognize – make sure that you say clearly in your reply that you know what the issue is. The client attention component we addressed previously is also mentioned.
  • It provides a solution to the alternative problem. Make yourself creative!
  • Follow-up — guarantee that you check the customer for satisfaction in the near future.

The knowledge of your products and services is also a key talent in solving problems. Make sure that you learn.

As you can compose an email longer than a chat or a phone session, you can explore the solutions more effectively. Use this extra time to work intelligently to resolve problems.


So what did we learn? What did we learn?

E-mail communication is an old means of communication, but still extremely used in customer care.

Clarity, speed, customization and efficient solutions are four features that exceptional customer service can have.

How do you rock your emails for customer service?

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