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Great Reasons to Outsource Customer Service to Votiko

Great Reasons to Outsource Customer Service to Votiko

Every company strives to improve their customer service. You want your consumers to have a positive experience with you not only because you care about them, but also because it is beneficial to your business.

Companies who succeed at customer experience grow revenue by 4-8 percent faster than the market, according to the report.

Unfortunately, enhancing customer service isn’t always simple, especially when money is scarce.

One approach to do so is to completely outsource your customer service functions. You can focus on other responsibilities while ensuring your clients get the attention they require by having a trusted team of specialists work with you to offer a great customer experience.

Consider the following advantages of outsourcing customer service.

Expand Your Customer Service Coverage by Outsourcing

Make yourself more accessible to your customers through a variety of media.

Customer support inquiries received via email, social media, live chat, and the phone will be answered by an outsourced customer service team who will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Without outsourcing, this level of coverage is impossible to duplicate.

But why is this significant?

Customers will not wait for “business hours” to receive assistance. According to one survey, most people will leave a page within 30 seconds of accessing it for the first time. Users will abandon a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, according to another study (PDF). This demonstrates that individuals on the internet are impatient, and if they don’t discover what they’re looking for quickly, they’ll go on.

You are communicating with your clients on their timetable by delivering immediate customer service. Not to add that your bounce rate will decrease. People prefer to shop and conduct business at all hours of the day, not just when you’re at work. You don’t want to lose a deal because a consumer couldn’t obtain an immediate response to their question. Instead, they will leave and go to your competitor.

Enhance Customer Retention

One of the most difficult, but crucial, tasks in the sales process is getting your consumers to engage with you. You’re more likely to convert a potential client into a paying customer if you can get them to engage with you in some way, whether it’s by taking out a survey, following you on social media, signing up for a newsletter, or talking to a Live Chat representative.

According to a number of studies:

Those with the best omnichannel customer interaction strategy keep 89 percent of their customers, whereas companies with the worst omnichannel strategies keep only 33 percent.

70% of purchasing decisions are made depending on how the customer feels they are being handled.

Fully engaged customers account for 23% of overall profitability, sales, and relationship growth.

The conclusions are clear: providing various avenues for your customers to interact with you, as well as performing well during these interactions, is critical to your business’s growth.

Consider the case of Live Chat.

A potential buyer hits your website and expresses interest in your goods, but he or she has a few questions. If your site has a Live Chat tool in the bottom corner, this visitor can use it to rapidly get answers to their questions. They’re now conversing with a representative from your firm on their computer. This two-way dialogue is far more entertaining, and it’s far more likely to result in a sale.

However, having a chat component on your website that simply sends out computer-generated responses isn’t enough.

According to a study, 84 percent of customers want to be regarded as individuals rather than numbers.

Your customer support team must be able to respond to that user’s individual requirements. Alternatively, if this is a repeat visitor/customer, the staff must be able to look back to earlier talks in order to fully comprehend them.

All of your customer support channels must follow the same set of guidelines. You should use them to engage your potential clients and keep them interested long enough for them to become customers. Because generating this degree of involvement is a time-consuming operation, it’s typically preferable to outsource it.


Provide multilingual support to reach out to more customers

It’s difficult to succeed in today’s global economy if you just market to those who speak a specific language. You open up fresh new markets by selling your goods and services in several languages. While having your website translated into another language is very simple, customer service is a different storey.

Customers are 74% more likely to buy from a company that provides post-sales service in their native language. Source.

This is because communicating in your native tongue is considerably easier. People are in a rush, as we mentioned earlier, and you only have a limited amount of time to make an impact. You’ll be more likely to keep your customers if you can communicate rapidly in their preferred language.

Furthermore, the term “customer service” has distinct connotations in different countries. You want people on your customer service staff that understand how to engage people from different cultures so that they can provide them the greatest experience possible.

Not only will delivering customer service in several languages enhance sales, but it will also improve customer satisfaction both before and after the sale.

Of course, hiring your own multilingual customer care crew would be prohibitively expensive. Unless you can locate someone who is fluent in several languages. This is a significant expenditure that many firms cannot make. However, with outsourced customer support, they already have employees on hand that are multilingual.


Gain a better understanding of your customers

Outsourcing your customer service activities allows you to have a better understanding of your clients. They can provide insights into your customers as a whole based on the complete business if you have a dedicated team monitoring all of your customer care channels.

The following are some critical questions that your customer care team can respond to:

  • Why are they purchasing this item?
  • How frequently will they require it?
  • What budget do they have in mind?
  • What kind of problems are they having with the product or the website?

You can make smarter decisions about your items, your website, and your marketing plan using this information. Let’s imagine your customer support team informs you that a big percentage of website users are experiencing issues loading or utilising their shopping cart. The customer service team determines that these individuals are all using the same web browser after additional investigation. You can then collaborate with your developer to resolve the problem and reduce cart abandonment rates. You could have missed out on a lot of opportunities if you hadn’t had this understanding.

You’ll be able to make better business judgments if you learn more about your customers. You need to figure out who is buying your goods, how they’re finding out about you, and what questions they’re asking. The more data you can collect, the more you’ll be able to better your firm in the future.


It Saves Money to Outsource Customer Service

Finally, one of the most compelling reasons to consider outsourcing your customer support is the potential cost savings. Consider how many workers you’ll need to hire to get the above-mentioned benefits. You’ll need a whole team to handle customer service requests across various channels, at all hours of the day, and in multiple languages. People who can analyse these interactions and provide you with information about your clients will be required.

Hiring this many workers would be a significant financial investment. You’re considering not only their pay and benefits, but also the expenditures of employing and training them. If you’re currently working in a small office, you may need to expand to accommodate everyone.

Outsourcing customer service is another option. You just pay for the service supplied, not the people, when you outsource. This makes it a lot more inexpensive while yet delivering fantastic outcomes. There aren’t many chances in business to do something outstanding at a low price. However, one of them is outsourcing your customer service requirements.


Outsourcing Your Customer Service: Best Practices

There are a few things you can do to get the most out of outsourcing your customer support.

To begin, you should have some prior expertise managing customer service responsibilities independently. Outsourcing this department from the start can be difficult. Before you ask someone else to do it for you, you need to know how to best serve your consumer base.

Take some time to get to know your consumers, such as how they prefer to communicate with you, frequent issues they face, and so on. After you’ve figured out how you want your customer service department to work, you can go on to outsourcing.

It’s critical that you stay involved once you’ve outsourced these responsibilities. Too many companies regard outsourcing as a one-time transaction in which they sign a contract and then forget about it. To get the most out of this, you should stay connected so that your outsourced team is always aware of your needs.

Inform the team about any changes you’ve made to your items. To learn more about your consumers, collect feedback from your agents. Notify them if your sales model changes. The more you and your customer service personnel are on the same page, the better they will be able to assist your customers and your company.


Is Customer Service Outsourcing Right for You?

As you can see, outsourcing your live chat and customer support has a lot of advantages. Of course, this does not imply that it is appropriate for everyone. You’ll need to take a close look at your company, assess your customer service requirements, and determine whether outsourcing is ideal for you. However, by fully understanding the advantages it can give, you can make a wiser decision for your company in the future.

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