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Providing Your Company with the Correct Administrative Support Services

Providing Your Company with the Correct Administrative Support Services

Administrative support services obviously imply offering well-ordered and regulated assistance to a corporation. It refers to the day-to-day activities that keep an office running smoothly and efficiently.

Those who work in the administrative department are aware that it is a broad category. There isn’t such a thing as a standard ‘administrative position.

Telephone Etiquette for Receptionists

General office management, answering phones, communicating with clients, supporting an employer, clerical work (including maintaining records and entering data), and a number of other responsibilities are all part of the job of an administrative manager/assistant. Administrative professionals’ jobs are therefore very visible, collaborative, and require a diverse set of talents.

If you’re a member of the administrative staff, this post will walk you through most of the services you provide for your organization, as well as suggestions for how to improve them.

What does an Administrative Support Executive’s job entail?

Because administration is such a vast topic, there are numerous administrative job titles. Some of these names, such as “administrative assistant” and “programme administrator,” relate to positions that have a lot of the same responsibilities. Some job titles, on the other hand, cover a wide range of tasks and responsibilities.

The administrative services team performs a variety of clerical and organizational duties that are required to keep the employer’s business running smoothly and efficiently.

  • Greeting and assisting visitors in the workplace.
  • Basic bookkeeping tasks are performed.
  • Booking meetings, seminars, and conferences, as well as coordinating catering.
  • Answering phone, email, and social media requests and forwarding them to the relevant workers.
  • Workplace papers, such as letters and reports, are typed.
  • Incoming and outgoing mail processing
  • Keeping track of paper files.
  • Creating a computer record from a paper file record.
  • Appointments of executives and managers are coordinated.

It’s worth noting that there could be a range of other positions and duties. However, as I previously stated, it will be determined by the job title granted to you by your company. The role’s basic characteristics remain the same.

What’s Wrong with Your Administrative Support Services Right Now?

While all of the duties listed above are necessary for the efficient operation of the business, some of them are tedious and repetitive. That is the problem with all of these services. Yes, I did say that.

These are notorious for eating up a significant portion of an administrator’s day simply because they are required as a task in and of themselves. Let me give you an example from the above list of common chores to demonstrate what I mean.

Basic bookkeeping tasks are performed.

While it may appear to be one of the simplest chores, keeping track of the visitor’s book takes up far too much time in an administrative assistant’s day.

When office visitors see the logbook at the front desk, we believe they know what to do. They are aware that a visitor log book is in place to keep track of who enters and exits the building. They understand it’s for their own protection and nothing else, but they still fill in their information incorrectly or have to ask you to teach them what they need to fill in. Some visitors enter inaccurate information, and almost everyone forgets to sign out of the logbook before departing.

Do you feel the agony? Following up on these little duties related to the visitor’s log book takes longer than expected and is undoubtedly one of the most tedious administrative support services that should be eliminated.

Let’s look at another scenario.

Greeting and assisting visitors in the workplace.

Another crucial activity on an administrator’s to-do list is greeting guests in the workplace. A warm and kind greeting can make a guest feel at ease and generate a lasting first impression. On the other hand, leaving a poor impression can have a negative impact on the company. When your administrative crew is engaged in doing clerical work when your visitors arrive, they will feel abandoned.

Do you recall feeling ignored when you stepped into an office and no one was present to greet you? If each visitor must be taken to the visitor book, the host must be notified, and the visitor must be told to wait, there will be no time to attend to another visitor who arrives at the same time. For no fault of their own, the other visitors would most likely have to wait.

Do you see where I’m heading with this? This is not the way administrative support teams should function.

Both of these jobs (and many others) are tiresome, boring, and time-consuming, and thus should not be included in administrative duties. If such is the case, there is no incentive to seek efficiency in their work.

Let’s make a system adjustment.

According to recent statistics from SnapLogic, 90 percent of employees are dragged down by tedious and repetitive tasks. All of these soul-sucking jobs are simple to automate. By automating it, your team may devote more time to genuine work that improves the administrative support services you provide to visitors on behalf of your firm.

How Can You Provide the “Right Kind” of Administrative Support?

All of these duties, I believe, require very little or no support from the administration team. By automating all of the routine chores, you’ll be left with the correct kind of administrative support.

SnapLogic’s Founder and CEO, Gaurav Dhillon, stated,

“Digital transformation projects are intended to boost a company’s speed and agility while also making employees happier and more productive. However, we continue to see the problem of compartmentalized data forcing workers to spend too much time on rote, repetitive processes, resulting in a reduction in organizational productivity. This is especially problematic in larger organizations, such as those studied, where there are likely to be more systems, departments, and projects than in smaller businesses. “

A Digital Receptionist at your front desk can automate around 80% of the operations listed above.

To be clear, a Digital Receptionist’s role in an organization is not to take over the role of an administrator or a front desk executive, but to support you and your team in dealing with day-to-day responsibilities, allowing them to focus on more important activities like creating relationships with visitors.

Votiko can handle the tedious aspects of your job, so you can focus on giving outstanding administrative support to your guests. Some responsibilities, however, would always be under the administrator’s control. For example, you should have complete control over all direct interactions. Responding to their questions via phone, chat, or email is a personal matter that should not be entrusted to a machine.

Additionally, focusing on offering the appropriate services benefits both you and your employer. Your productivity rises, and your company sees more satisfied customers. You will be one step closer to the next level of your career path if you are more productive as an employee.

Administrative support services of the appropriate kind will make you, your visitors, and your organization all happy at the same time. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. Today, inform your team and take action.

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