
Make data your greatest asset.


From Data Dust to Diamonds

Votiko's data mining service is powered by a team of 40+ expert researchers, using cutting-edge tools to extract and verify accurate data. Our commitment to quality ensures delivery of top-tier, diamond-like data to meet your needs.

We are highly Professional Data Mining team

Today, data drives every decision, every pivot, every next move. Use it well, and data can unlock unlimited business value—and a future full of opportunities.

Votiko’s Data Mining


Researches any company, function or topic, anywhere. Can be desk or field-based, ‘top line’ or ‘deep dive’. Our primary research is anonymous, legal and ethical.


Fine tune your business strategy with expert insights on what your key competitors are doing and how you can do it better.


Our team of data mining and extraction experts search and aggregate data from a multitude of internet sources to provide you with the information and insight you need in the format you need it.

Jonathan Stephens, CEO, Audio Advice

“Votiko has been a great partner in helping us deliver the experience we are striving for when customers reach out to us.”

Dedicated Data Mining Services Catering To Unique Business Requirements

As a leading web data mining company, we have been supporting businesses across multiple industries and niches with business data mining solutions.

In Depth
Market Research

we have a team in house that put in the leg work so you can sit back and see where your industry is or where you sit in it, the most important thing about business is always being a step ahead of your competition so understanding the market you are selling into is vital, we have several ways we can get the result you need, from teams of callers actively doing surveys and questionnaires, research analysts who spend their time every day finding out each market around the globe for our global clients to be ahead at all times.

Data Mining Services
with Faster Turnaround

When you partner with us, you’re collaborating with a highly trained team of professionals with proven industry experience, and a shelf full of industry awards. Our teams can save you capital, so you can invest it in expanding your enterprise. Our services include one of the most highly trained teams of professionals in the business. And we routinely save our clients 40% or more.

Study your
competitors to
stay ahead of them

Today, data drives every decision, every pivot, every next move. Use it well, and data can unlock unlimited business value—and a future full of opportunities.

Data Research

We can collect name, address, emails, phone number, or any data on a given location or niches.

Get started today.

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